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About Student Voice & Insight
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Student Leadership
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Academic Representation
Find out how academic representatives work to voice the concerns and ideas of the student body.
Community Organising
LBSU is dedicated to empowering you to do just that utilising community organising as our underpinning theory of change.
Research & Insight
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Officer Team
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Student Communities
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Leadership Elections
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About the Advice Service
Our Advice Service is here to help you with a range of issues and concerns during your time at university.
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About the Hive
Get to know the Hive, your go-to spot for food, chilling-out, and catching up with friends on campus.
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We believe that students have the power to drive meaningful change and shape their educational journey, and LBSU is dedicated to empowering you to do just that utilising community organising as our underpinning theory of change.
Community organising is about bringing people together to win change. This means building community-led solutions to big and small problems, that work for everyone.
Through community organising, we work together to make change on the issues that matter to you, from campaigning for better access and cheaper bus fares for students wherever you live in West Yorkshire, access to part-time work whilst you study, improvements to the way your course is timetabled, or long-term campaigns to improve student housing.
We know that students like you can shape the world around you and together, we put the power back into your hands to hold those responsible to account. By building positive relationships between communities, elected powerholders and business, we make sure everyone is heard and no one is left out. This is how we shift the balance of power, helping people come together across their differences, find common ground and win change.
LBSU is a Principal Partner of Citizens UK (West Yorkshire) and we follow their 5 steps to Social Change.
Start by building a team! This involves bringing people together. It’s not about leaving our differences at the door - we value contrasting perspectives and bring each person into the solution for change by finding common ground.
Communities of people are too often shut out from decisions that affect their lives, and not involved in finding the best solution to local issues. So, we listen to each other and our communities to find out what is putting pressure on them, their friends and their families. We spot issues of social injustice that make people’s lives difficult but which they feel powerless to do anything about. Listening not only helps you grow your team but unites people around the issues that matter, making your campaigns more robust.
We want you to write the script for your community’s future - where things change for the better. This includes planning for how your team will tackle the root cause of injustice, by identifying solutions and deciding which actions to take. This might look like researching more about the problem and understanding which powerholders to build relationships with.
We take action through fun and legal public demonstrations to hold those responsible to account. We do this to prompt a reaction, such as receiving an invitation to a meeting or a commitment to work together. We’ll support you through the steps to identify your team, equip your community with training, and connect you to the powerholders who can implement change. The hard work will be yours, but we’re here to support you and take action.
Finally, we negotiate with decision makers in government, businesses, the university - whoever holds power to find a solution together. We work together, with Citizens UK, to help change the debate and find a constructive way forward, making sure change is effective and sustainable. Communities participating in decision-making contributes to the common good and helps us all build a better, fairer society.
LBSU’s Student Community Organisers are students who work part-time to actively listen to students from all areas of the university to connect, exchange ideas and support you to build your collective power. As well as being leaders and supporting the activity of our Student Community Groups, the Student Communities, the Student Community Organisers are also your peers, understanding the unique challenges and experiences of student life. They are passionate about building a strong community that ensures that everyone feels valued and empowered to make a difference and would like to connect with you to make this happen. Get in touch today at studentvoice@leedsbeckett.ac.uk to chat with us about your university experiences and interests.