Officer Team 24-25

Student Leadership

LBSU exists to support, represent and connect each and every one of the c.24,000 students that study at Leeds Beckett, but to do this effectively, we pride ourselves on having strong student leadership in place to influence and direct the work we do to improve the lives of students on campus, in the local community, and on a national level. As a Leeds Beckett student, you choose who those leaders should be.

Your Officer Team

Your four full-time officers are elected by the student body during the Spring each year, and are paid to work full time leading Leeds Beckett Students’ Union for a year. They represent students to the university and help make students’ lives better.

Leadership Elections

The Leadership Elections are the single biggest and most important democratic student leadership event that takes place each year and we need each and every student at Leeds Beckett to play a part, whether that be as a candidate or as a voter. If you’re interested in standing for election to one of our full-time paid student officer roles or to attend the NUS National Conference or NUS Liberation Conference as a representative of LBSU, please visit our dedicated election pages to find out more.

Learn more

Student Leadership Development

Student leadership development opportunities are open to anyone in a leadership position with Leeds Beckett Students’ Union. This includes, but is not limited to Society Leaders, Student Reps, Student Community Organisers, Student Academic Representation Assistants, Student Officers, NUS Conference Delegates

Ongoing training and development opportunities will offer you online or in-person content that develops your knowledge of the university to further support and/or signpost students in the university, and also to develop your own professional skills which can transfer into future employment.