Welcome to the I-B-Beckett Society! For those who know it as the International Business Society, it still continues to keep International Business ("I-B") at its heart, however, it is now expanded to include all students from the Beckett Business School! The I-B-Beckett Society (otherwise known as the Beckett Business Society) is a transparent & interactive community for Business students of all ages, backgrounds, & experiences to come together & generate strong bonds through fun events.

Our aims and objectives are:

  • To be transparent: Giving our members as much insight into our events, celebrations, & operations as possible. 
  • To be Interactive: Communication with our members and responding to their feedback & requests. 
  • To create a community: Creating a bond between our team and our members beyond the average student experience.



President - Ibrahim Spinu 

Secretary - Vacant

Treasurer - Callum Imeson

Social Media Ambassador - Samuel Patino

Events Coordinator - Vacant

Documenting Producer - Vacant

Digital Correspondent - Callum Imeson 

We are currently recruiting for vacant roles in our team which are Secretary, Events Coordinator, & Documenting Producer. These roles are open to all LBU students from the Business School, if you're interested, reach out to the Society on Instagram, Facebook, or Gmail.

Beckett (International) Business Society Election 2022 Round 2

3 posts are up for election.

The polls have closed.

Beckett (International) Business Society Election 2022

3 posts are up for election.

The polls have closed.

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