The land locked Surf Club!

Despite being in the middle of the country, we surf regularly throughout the year. Our nearest spots include Scarborough, Cayton, Tynemouth, Whitby and Staithes which we aim to drive to once a fortnight. All discussions about day trips take place in our group chat which you will be able to access once paying the small membership fee. 

The post-covid surf club resurrection means we have managed to resume our usual yearly trips further afield. We've competed at BUCS which takes place in October down in Cornwall, held trips to Portugal, and most recently spent a week of surfing in sunny Morocco.

If you enjoy the outdoors and don't mind getting wet, then this club is for you! All abilities are welcome - whether you're a seasoned surfer or you've never touched a board in your life. We also host regular socials and events in Leeds, most of which are posted to our Instagram stories and will also be discussed in the WhatsApp group chat. Make sure to come and say hello at fresher's fair -- but it isn't the be all and end all to join! We accept new members anytime throughout the year :) 


Instagram: @leedsbeckettsurfclub

Surf Club Election 2024

3 posts are up for election.

The polls have closed.

Surf Club Election 2023 Round 2

3 posts are up for election.

The polls have closed, and results have been published.

Surf Club Election 2023

3 posts are up for election.

The polls have closed, and results have been published.

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