SAIL is the Society of Architecture, Interior and Landscape

What the team wants to bring to you through this society:

  • Bring international and national Leeds Beckett students together through our interest in Architecture
  • To offer a community of support and architectural knowledge across the disciplines
  • To host in-person and informal coffee meetups, drinks and online catchups
  • To bring world-renowned speakers to Leeds Beckett to give talks and offer their knowledge
  • We want to organise trips to some of our/your favourite architectural spots
  • We want to represent our industry in all our differences so that students like us feel represented in the future.
  • We want learning architecture to be more than a grade at the end of the semester; we want to escape everyday education.



President Vlad-George Todica
Secretary Laeticia Tavares & Alex Asher
Chair Elisheva Epstein
Treasurer Jonathan Seymour


SAIL Society Election 2024

3 posts are up for election.

The polls have closed, and results have been published.

SOAK Society Election 2023

3 posts are up for election.

The polls have closed, and results have been published.

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