Welcome to the vibrant and dynamic Leeds Beckett African Caribbean Society (ACS), where cultures intertwine, friendships blossom, and knowledge is shared in an atmosphere of celebration and unity. Our society is a vibrant tapestry that brings together individuals of African and Caribbean descent, as well as anyone who is interested in learning about and appreciating these rich and diverse cultures.

Whether you're of African or Caribbean descent, have ties to both regions, or are simply intrigued by the beauty and complexity of these cultures, the African Caribbean Society welcomes you with open arms. Join us in celebrating diversity, fostering friendships, and embracing the spirit of unity as we journey through the colorful tapestry of Africa and the Caribbean, all while having a fantastic time along the way.

At the heart of our ACS is the desire to foster connections and bridge gaps between the African and Caribbean communities. We believe that by coming together, we can create a stronger and more cohesive community that celebrates our shared heritage while also embracing our unique histories. Through a variety of engaging events, workshops, and activities, we aim to deepen cultural understanding, break down stereotypes, and promote cross-cultural dialogue.

Our society is a hub of creativity, where members can explore a wide range of interests. From dance and music workshops that teach traditional African and Caribbean rhythms to cooking classes that allow participants to savor authentic dishes, we offer a plethora of opportunities for both cultural immersion and skill-building. Our annual events, such as cultural showcases, heritage celebrations, and collaborative performances, provide a platform for our members to proudly display their talents and share their stories.

Education is a cornerstone of our ACS, and we aim to make learning enjoyable and interactive. Through guest speakers, panel discussions, and workshops, we delve into the historical, societal, and cultural aspects that have shaped both African and Caribbean societies. This allows us to not only appreciate our roots but also gain insights into how these cultures have influenced the world at large.

But it's not just about learning – it's also about having fun! We organize lively social gatherings, parties, and outings that create a sense of belonging and camaraderie among our members. These events allow us to unwind, let loose, and create lasting memories together, all while strengthening the bonds that tie us as a community.





African Caribbean Society Election 2024

4 posts are up for election.

The polls have closed, and results have been published.

African Caribbean Society Election 2023 Round 2

4 posts are up for election.

The polls have closed, and results have been published.

African Caribbean Society Election 2023

4 posts are up for election.

The polls have closed.

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