
Candidate for the position of Academic Experience Officer

Image for Samira Abedikelahroodi

Samira Abedikelahroodi


I am honoured to be nominated for the role of the Academic Experience Officer at Leeds Beckett Students’ Union. My strong passion to improve the lives of others has engaged me to apply for this role.

In this stage of my life, achieving the position of leading the Students’ Union as an Academic officer is the most rewarding and exciting opportunity for me.

Currently, I am a full-time student in MSc Information and Technology. I am available to start the honouring role of student leadership from July 2022. I believe my educational journey at Leeds Beckett university would assist me to empathise with students’ issues including educational, financial, etc, to find the efficient solutions for them.

I believe that a strong passion of people for their job along with the relevant skills would lead them to represent the best of themselves. As a result, my strong passion for this role coupled with my leaderships skills and experiences, academical and technical background, plus my personal characteristics including perseverance, commitment and granular attitude would assist me to lead the students’ issues and help their voices to be heard and be addressed to the university board efficiently.

I would like to point out how amazing it is to be the voice of all the students by running the relevant campaigns and addressing their educational problems to the university board to solve them.

The context example of running the efficient campaigns for students, can be addressing a specific issue in relation to their financial or educational challenges; these issues can be raised by the course representative.

Furthermore, within this year’s students’ big survey, some key issues of students have been identified. For instance, the poor mental health of some students who were struggling to provide evidence to extend the due date of their assignment but were unsuccessful. For this problem, I can run a campaign to speed up the students’ access to the mental health services within a maximum of 1 week. So, the students can be able to provide the required evidence to extend their assignments.

As mental health is so important within the educational journey, conducting some campaigns to raise funding for running free mental health courses for the students can be beneficial. These free courses can be run by organisations like Touchstone.

Also, this year’s students survey has raised the lack of study space as the students have encountered the full systems in the library on many occasions. Running relevant campaigns to address this issue would be beneficial. The solution can be the extension of the study space in the university for the students.

Furthermore, one of the ideas to improve the lives of students can be creating inspirational educational videos on the LBSU platforms like Instagram; this can inspire many students to achieve their objectives and boost their mental health.

I hope you will vote for me. I promise you that I will do my best.

I thank you for your time.


Many thanks,

Samira Abedikelahroodi

If you have any questions about the roles or the elections, please contact us.
