About Us

We are a community space where local people can come to socialise, access support and simply relax and have fun, whilst maximising their potential.

Our main aim is to ensure that The Old Fire Station is a thriving, welcoming centre in East Leeds where all are made to feel valued and safe whilst providing the opportiunity to learn, develop and engage in positive activities.

During the School Holidays we run a holiday program which aim to tackle holiday inactivity and hungry, for the most vunerable young people in the city.  These include a variety of activities from sportst to art.  


Breakfast Bite provides pay-as-you-feel breakfasts for students on City Campus from 9.30- 11am every Thursday morning during term time! Looking for a hot affordable breakfast on campus? This is your spot! 

You can choose from instant oats, toast and Idli (Indian rice cakes) or grab a cup of tea or coffee before heading to your lectures. 

It's right at Eco Soup by The Hive, and you can even bring your own bowl or cup for a free drink!