
Candidate for the position of Activities & Events Officer

Image for Lokesh Sharma

Lokesh Sharma

Hello, fellow students of Leeds Beckett University,

I’m Lokesh Sharma, and I’m here to make a difference. As an international student, I understand the challenges of adjusting to university life in a new country. But I also know the power of community and belonging in make this journey smoother and more enriching for everyone.

That’s why I’m running for Activities & Events Officer—to ensure that every student feels at home here, regardless of where they come from or what they’re interested in. My vision is simple: to create a vibrant, inclusive, and welcoming campus where every student can thrive.

Throughout my time here, I’ve observed the importance of community and belonging in shaping the university experience. My goal is to enhance these aspects by implementing initiatives that foster stronger connections among students, regardless of background or interests.

Here are the key pillars of my manifesto:

More Big Events for International and Home Students: I'm passionate about organizing big events that bring students together. These events will be tailored to cater to the interests of both international and home students, ensuring inclusivity and diversity. By focusing on cost-effective solutions, we can make these events accessible to everyone and create memorable experiences for all.

Fostering Society Collaboration and Increased Funding: Strengthening ties with societies is crucial. I'll work to foster collaboration between the Student Union and societies, ensuring they receive the support and funding they need to thrive. By increasing funding opportunities, we can empower societies to host more engaging events and activities for all students to enjoy.

Enhancing Campus Spaces and Booking System: I will prioritize increasing the availability of spaces on campus for student use. Ensuring a fair and efficient booking system, designed in collaboration with the student community, is crucial. This initiative addresses the need for diverse spaces that cater to different interests and activities.

Supporting Societies of All Sizes: Every society deserves recognition and support. I will take a proactive approach to promote and provide assistance to all societies, regardless of size or age. This includes showcasing their achievements and offering guidance on membership growth and practical skills to help them thrive.

Celebrating Diversity and Inclusion: Organizing regular cultural events is vital for making students feel at home away from home. These events celebrate our diversity and provide opportunities for cultural exchange, fostering a sense of belonging and appreciation for different cultures.

Weekly Engagement Activities: I will organize weekly activities aimed at fostering student interaction and connection. These activities will provide opportunities for students to bond, relax, and unwind amidst their academic commitments.

Together, we can create a university experience that is enriching, inclusive, and memorable for all students. I humbly ask for your support and your vote as we embark on this journey together.

Vote Lokesh Sharma for Activities & Events Officer, and let's make Leeds Beckett University a home away from home for every student.

Thank you.

If you have any questions about the roles or the elections, please contact us.
