
Candidate for the position of NUS National Conference Rep

Image for Devika Radhakrishna Pillai

Devika Radhakrishna Pillai

I stand for the hope to implement given a chance:

Firstly, is the focus on mental health: The implementation technique would be the availability of more clinics, having partnered with the mental health club and to teach about mental health and give students a chance to learn as well as express themselves. 

Secondly is a drive to strongly represent the studens interest to the higher authority: from the past years having been a student and listened to others well, there do have numerous ideasbut do not know how to go about it.So, having often clinics would be allow these discussions to happen often. 

Additionally, is to create more student symposiums that will allow students to express themselves in regard to business ideas and recives guidance: The apprech to this idea is to work hand in hand with student council and university to create such opportunities. 

Name: Devika Radhakrishna Pillai 

Course: Msc International Trade and Finance 

Candidate: President 

If you have any questions about the roles or the elections, please contact us.
